assalamualaikum sume..ap khabar??di harap korang berada dalam keadaan yang sihat belaka ak plak makin lame makin bertambah sihat..harap2 xd penyakit la kan..hehe~so ari mggu macam ne ap yang korang buat???ak mcam biasa la smbil tgok cite tamil kat tv3 tatkala depavali yang hampil menjelma so tv3 pn akan mula menayangkan cite tamil instead cite hindustan..hampeh kan???hahaha~sorry la..merapu la plak kn??so ap ak nak tulis ari ne yer??hehe~tjuk n3 I MISS YOU
yes! i miss you all..sume yang sudi bace blog ak..hehe~tp bkan ak nak cite sal rindu2 ne..biar la rindu kite tu hanya kite dan org2 tertentu sahaja yang tahu
so sekarang ak nak tulis n3 ttg drama terbaru KOREA yang di siarkan di siaran MBC yang menggantikan cerita UGLY CAKE yang menggantikan cerita ARANG AND THE MAGISTRAE (
banyak pulak gantinye kan??hee ) so nak mulakan dari mne yer??sbb cite neh baru ditayang kan so ak xtahu mcm mane nak review ak bagi review atau synopsis yang di copy paste dr website lain yer..hehehe ( mcm xpnah buatkan??haha )
15-year-old Soo-Yeon (Kim So-Hyun) is a victim of bullying at school. They target her, because her father is a murderer. Soo-Yeon has an ally in Jung-Woo (Yeo Jin-Ku), who always protects her from the bullies. Soo-Yeon and Jung-Woo are in love, but due to an unexpected accident they become separated. Now as adults they meet again through destiny.
Jung-Woo (Park Yoo-Chun) is now a detective and his first love has always remained in the back of his mind. Soo-Yeon (Yoon Eun-Hye) is now a rookie fashion designer who tries to have a bright personality, but still carries emotional scars inside of her. Hyung-Joon (Yoo Seung-Ho) is Soo-Yeon’s lover, who appears warm and nice, but he will try to take vengeance upon Jung-Woo.
SEBAB-SEBAB ak ske cite neh
1. of course la sebab pelakon die adalah MICKEY YOOCHUN..korang knal x die ne???ala die group JYJ..die juga pernah belakon cite SUNKYUNKWAN SCANDAL ( btol x eja pn xtau ), ROORTOPS PRINCE ( ne msti korang tgok kan?? ), MISS REPLY ( cite neh agak best tp xkne taste ak..tgok pn sbb ad die ;P ), BEAUTIFUL LIFE ( ne cite JEPUN k )
2. ak rase drama neh best ( dah sah2 best wlupn ak baru tgok 2 ep ) cerita ttg lelaki yang xbleh lupakan first Love die..ak mmg ske cite mcm ne tp ak rase ble sbut korea msti ad adegan air mata kn??hee
3. pelakon-pelakon dalam cite neh mmg hebat sekali..hehe~sume pelakon yang ak ske..heroin diepn ak suke
hehe~ setakat ne saje la ak update sal cite neh k..makin lame ak menulis makin banyak plak ak merapu dan merepek..hee.. so have a nice weekends sume..
P/S: I MISS YOU kepada yang berkenaan la k..hee~to my best friends, I MISS YOU all too
lots of love
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