Tuesday, June 12, 2012


assalamualaikum sume..ap khabar?hope sume akn shat dan berjaya dalam hidup..sorry sbb da lme xupdate blog. hee~so hari ini ak nk update pasal cerita yang ak khatam untuk mggu lpas smpai tarikh n3 ini dipost…hehe~so oleh kerana mggu lpas n smpai ari neh ak juz khatamkan cerita lakonan Micky YooChun dr kumpulan JYJ ngn Soong Joong Ki..so first cerita ak start ngn cerita Rooftop Prince Winking smile



Synopsis (ok kali neh synopsis ak sndiri..no copy paste dr dramawiki =] )

so, synopsis kali neh ak start ngn epsod first la..hahah~first time tgok cerita neh ak xbpe paham..so ble ulg blik epsd 1 baru ak paham. cerita neh melibatkan kisah percintaan antara dua peradaban. kalo ikut kepercayaan sesetengah agama, ad yang percaya ble da mati kte akan hidup semula menjadi org lain. so dalam cite  neh die gnekan konsep neh. so watak utama die Prince Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) terpaksa merentas masa slama 300 thun sbb incident Crown Princesses die mati. so dalam usaha nk mencari pembunuh Crown Princess neh die terpaksa menjadi Yong Tae Yong. Yong Tae Yong neh adalah Prince Lee Gak neh slpas die mati la. so dlm usaha die nk kmbali ke Joseon neh, die mendapat bantuan dari Park Ha. last2 die jatuh cinta ngn Park Ha ne..sbnarnya, Park Ha neh adalah adik Crown Princess mase zaman Joseon dlu. dalm tgh travel ke 300 thun mase hadapan, mcm2 benda lucu yg berlaku. so kalo korang nk tahu ap yang berlaku, korang kne la tgok sendiri k.



1) sbb kalo ikut pemikiran seseorang, cerita neh mmg xlogik..hehe

2) ak ske tgok watak Micky YooChun yang belagak cool and poyo..hahaha

3) ske jalan cerita die xd la melampau sgt mcm cerita korea lain.cthny Putera Lee Gak neh brprinsip. die xmalu mendedahkan dan mencari kesalahan org yang die ske. mmg cool =)

ckup la kot 3 sbb jer..hehehe..jom k second cerita plak Smile



K..ne cerita dulu2..cite zaman Joseon. so cerita neh pasal University pertama di korea. so klo dlu2 pelajaran hanya untuk lelaki sahaja. so cerita neh mengenai seorang perempuan yang suka menyamar jadi lelaki di sebabkan kekangan ekonomi. so, synopsis die ak copy paste dari dramawiki je la..ahhaha~(malas gle nak taip)

SYNOPSIS (copy paste dari DramaWiki Nyah-Nyah)

Sungkyunkwan Scandal is set in Sungkyunkwan University in the late Joseon era during the reign of King Jeongjo, revolving around the exploits and love stories of four youths. When her younger brother's illness worsens and their family is in danger of being evicted from their house for lack of money, Kim Yoon Hee enters the school under his name, disguised as a boy in her desperation to support him. There, she becomes friends with the intelligent and upright Lee Sun Joon, the playboy Goo Yong Ha and rebellious Moon Jae Shin.


1) first mesti la sb ad Micky YooChun and Song Joong Ki Nyah-Nyah (bleh terima x alasn neh???hahah)

2) sbb cite neh xd la cite air mata sgt. sgt sweet ble Lee Sun Joon terpaksa mengaku yang die ske kat Kim Yoon Shik walaupun die tahu Yoon Shik tu lelaki. sblm die tahu yg yoon shik neh perempuan.

3) sbb watak Joong Ki yang palyboy..hahaha

k..ckup..3 sbb jgk..so kte ke cerita seterusnya plak.



SYNOPSIS (copy paste jgk Winking smile)

Two very different men fall in love with Jang Mi Ri, a woman whose life is a complicated web of lies, propelled by her greedy desires that stem from an unfortunate childhood. Jang Myung Hoon is an ambitious hotelier who maintains perfect control of himself and his life, while Yutaka is the warm and gentle heir of a Korean-Japanese hotel conglomerate. Their love for Mi Ri and her tragic ambition eventually leads them down the path of destruction.

so cerita neh ak rase best cara garapan die..die bkn cerita comedy tp lbih kepada cerita romantic and melondrama sbb cerita die agak slow n hanya sesuai untuk org yang ske cite slow la..tp bg ak ending die agak tergantung la..so kalo korang nak tahu ap yang berlaku korang kne tgok sendiri la..

so cerita seterusnya adalah …..




cerita neh cerita korean + Japanesse. so cerita neh berkisar cerita tntang anak seorang pengusaha hotel yang berjaya jtuh cinta ngan seorang novelis jepun, cerita yag duration die hanya 10min setiap epsd n ada 12epsod. so cerita neh xd yang kualiti video yang bagus, ak xdpat nak cari yang bagus.so ak tgok pn mcm tgok video dr wayang.

last cerita yang ak tgok ialah cerita pasal doktor.hehe~ne cerita sal doktor korea yang first ak tgok. slama ne ak juz layan cerita doctor keluaran Jepun mcm cerita Team Medical Dragon ( 3 season ), Emergency Room 24Hours, GYNE, VOICE and etc.



SYNOPSIS (ak copy paste dr dramawiki jer )

The drama depicts the difficult decisions and moving human stories that take place daily in the OB-GYN department, focusing in particular on Seo Hye Young, a talented and determined obstetrician who has just transferred from the prestigious Seoul base to the branch hospital. Her straightforward manner of handling her professional life is in contrast with her love life, which is marred by her relationship with a married man. This becomes even more entangled when she meets Lee Sang Shik, the chief of NICU, and her long-time friend Wang Jae Suk also shows his interest.

hee..so smpai sni sje la ak update nlog neh k.. so slamat menonton cerita diatas.. Winking smile

p/s : Dalam semua cerita yang disenaraikan diatas, ap yang ak nampak, Micky YooChun ne semua watak yang die pggang adalah watak anak orang kaya Smile..klo korang xpcaye, sle tgok sume cite lakonan die k…